Read through the RCBC newsroom archives.

*Articles are accurate as of date of publication. 

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Davon Loeb
Davon Loeb

“When I was in high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had to pave a new way that was best for me. Senior year, I took one class at RCBC per semester. It gave me so much confidence and made me feel like I could do this. I had a really rewarding experience at RCBC and wouldn’t be where I am without it,” Loeb recalled.   

Gregory Hays
Gregory Hays

“It may sound cliche, but most of my experiences at RCBC are memorable. I met friends in my classes that I have to this day and had professors that I will remember for the rest of my life. Their investment in my success meant a lot to me; I will forever be an advocate for RCBC,” Hays said. 

Reburn family
Reburn family

History has a way of putting things into perspective for us. When we look back, it allows us to take stock of what we’ve accomplished, learn from our mistakes and measure our progress.

turkey meatballs
turkey meatballs

“New year, new me.” That’s the motto for most on January 1. Many start new diets or even try healthy cooking. Gym memberships are broken in. Parents commit to cooking dinner at home rather than eating out. That way they can save money.

Gina Yanuzzi
Gina Yanuzzi

“What I appreciate most about RCBC are the people: both students and colleagues. Even as a student, I was drawn to the diversity at RCBC. I was in class with students of varying ages and a range of life and cultural experiences. Now I'm teaching those students, and their unique perspectives keep our conversations fresh and provocative,” Yanuzzi said. “Watching people learn and problem solve is probably one of the most rewarding things I've experienced.”

Hannah Marthaler
Hannah Marthaler

Imagine being offered your dream job at the age of 21. That’s exactly what happened for Rowan College at Burlington County 3+1 student Hannah Marthaler when she was offered the position of level I computer systems security analyst (cybersecurity analyst) at Lockheed Martin.

Jaxson Bonsall
Jaxson Bonsall

“I decided to study at RCBC because I could get a jump start on my ambitions to study Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. Engineering seemed like a natural fit for me, as I have always enjoyed learning about how things are made, as well as engaging in practical, hands-on learning activities.”