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Explore your future as an RCBC Baron.

RCBC offers a variety of program paths that allow you to easily transfer to continue your education or prepare you for a career right after graduation. 

If you need help with your academic plan, visit Academic Advising in the Student Success Center, email them at or call (856) 222-9311, ext. 1559.

How to Choose a Major

Get started by exploring groups of different degrees and programs that share similarities like subject matter, courses and/or career opportunities. 

Complete List of RCBC Programs

If you already know what you want to study look through our complete listing of over 80 programs and majors.

3+1 Program

Earn your associate and bachelor's degree while saving around $75,000 with RCBC's premier partnership with Rowan University. Check out our growing list of majors.

Continuing Education

Explore your interests, advance in the workplace and gain new skills with training programs and non-credit courses.

Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.)

The Associate of Fine Arts degree provides students with a concentrated focus and immersion into the fine arts. It may be used as a transfer program.

Associate of Arts (A.A.)

The Associate of Arts is a transfer degree designed to complete the first half of a baccalaureate or four-year liberal arts degree program. Traditionally, the purpose of this degree has been to give students a broad, highly academic background in the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences.

Associate of Science (A.S.)

The Associate of Science degree offers students a program emphasizing coursework in mathematics, the sciences, business or certain health sciences fields. The Associate of Science is a transfer degree and is designed to complete the first half of the requirements for a baccalaureate.

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)

This degree differs from the Associate of Arts and Science degrees previously outlined because the Associate of Applied Science degree is not generally intended as a transfer program. It is a degree that emphasizes career preparation for job entry after graduation. Credits earned in these degree programs may be applicable to a four-year degree depending upon the institution and the content area.

Academic Certificate Programs (CRT)

Some career areas require less than two years of postsecondary education for entry into the field. At RCBC, these programs are generally one year in duration and include courses specifically related to career requirements as well as general education courses designed to assist students to better understand the world in which they live and work.

Career Certificate Programs (SPC)

Career Certificates encompass courses specifically related to employment requirements. In some cases, general education coursework may also be required.

Education Training Programs

These professional development certificates are offered by the RCBC Workforce Development Institute with the goal to help you get certified for the next step in your career through a non-credit program.

Online Programs

Several degrees and certificates are obtainable fully online, while others may require clinical or practicum experiences that can be conducted at a variety of appropriate locations approved by the college.