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Title IX Procedures

RCBC seeks to provide a campus environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.

The RCBC Title IX Procedures outline the types of behaviors covered under Title IX regulations and prohibited through college policies. While not every situation will meet the Title IX regulation requirements, any reported incident will be investigated. 

Any incident involving behaviors listed below must be reported to the Title IX coordinator:

  • Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Domestic or Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation related to the Title IX procedure, supporting policies or processes

Pregnant and Parenting students have rights under both Title IX and NJ State law. Click here for more information and resources.

The procedures provide details regarding definitions of prohibited behavior under Title IX, reporting options at RCBC, investigation steps, resources and supportive measures, hearings, sanctions and more. If you wish to file an alert, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or complete the Complaint Form.

Below is a list of the materials used to train RCBC's Title IX team members:

Previous Title IX Trainings with Non-Active Links to Content 

  • Title IX 101 (Higher Ed.) (TIXHE003-1)
  • Title IX Investigator Refresher (refresh-invest-he)
  • Title IX 101 (Higher Ed.) (TIXHE003-1)

*In compliance with the updated Title IX Regulations that require colleges to provide training and access to training records for school and college Title IX team members, the college will post training materials on this website. Any other use or effort to republish, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, display, disclose or distribute this material is prohibited.