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Chosen Names at RCBC

Rowan College at Burlington County is committed to celebrating diversity.

A chosen/lived name is a first name a person wishes to be identified as that is different from their legal name. The chosen name procedure accommodates students’ use of a name other than their legal name that accurately reflects their gender or cultural identity on specific college documents and with college faculty and staff members. 

At the moment, we can only accommodate specific pronouns: he/him, she/her, they/them, he/they, she/they, and neo pronouns. Unfortunately, we cannot mix pronouns at this time. 

  • Complete the chosen name form.
  • The completed form will head to the Registration Office. The form only needs to be submitted once per name change request.
  • If you decide you are no longer interested in using a chosen name, you must resubmit the form.

The college will include your chosen name on the following documents and systems:

  • Email address/BaronOne Login (ONLY changed at the request of the student. Emails are only changed before the start of the next semester.)
  • Blackboard learning management system (used by faculty and students)
  • Instructor Class Rosters
  • Student services information systems (Self-Service and AVISO)
  • QLess Login
  • Student ID Cards

Your legal name will still appear on the following documents:

  • Official transcripts
  • Diplomas
  • Enrollment verifications
  • Financial aid records
  • Information mailed to you from the College
  • Student statements
  • Disciplinary records
  • State and federal directory information

The college has the right to decline a chosen name request if it:

  • Uses offensive or derogatory language.
  • Is intended to misrepresent the person’s identity.

If a student has legally had their name changed (due to a legal change in first name or legal change in last name due to marital status changes), the Chosen Name form cannot be used to change their name. We recommend students use the Record Change Request Form to reflect legal name changes.