Start your college journey off on the right foot!

Completing English and Math during your first year is important to your college success.

Will you take your first class in the spring or summer?

RCBC uses several factors, including test scores, high school work and grades, to determine the correct course for you to take. College advisors will take this information from your transcript to place you in the right course. Click here for more information about these factors, known as Multiple Measures.

You must take a placement exam if you cannot be placed off the Multiple Measures chart or graduated before 2018 for math or 2008 for English.

If you disagree with your placement, you can use the process below to try to improve it. 

Math Placement

Math Placement

  • To take the assessment in-person, students must schedule an appointment with the Test Center: 
  1. Go to BaronOne

  2. Click on the Schedule a Test tile

  3. For Choose a group, Select ALEKS Placement (RCBC Math Placement) 

  4. Answer the rest of the questions as directed. 

  • To take the assessment virtually:

  1. Go to BaronOne

  2. Click on the Math Placement tile

  3. Click on Add Class Code

  4. Input the code EY6AM-TVWVW


Questions? Contact the Test Center at

English Placement

Click here to register for an English Placement Exam.

Will you take your first class in fall?

Math Placement

We want you to take the math you need for your degree and have the support you need to succeed. With two questions (no math involved!), we can point you in the correct direction.


Fill out the Math Placement Survery here!


The survey will recommend whether you should:

  • Take a support clinic alongside a regular math course that will give you extra support to help you succeed. 

  • Take a placement exam that will determine which course to take.

Please meet with your academic advisor before making a decision. Contact information is available at

English Placement

RCBC uses several factors, including test scores, high school work and grades, to determine the correct course for you to take. College advisors will take this information from your transcript to place you in the right course. Click here for more information about these factors, known as Multiple Measures.

You must take a placement exam if you cannot be placed off the Multiple Measures chart or graduated before  2008 for English.

If you disagree with your placement, you can take a placement exam to try to improve it.

Click here to register for an English Placement Exam.

Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations

For more information on requesting an appointment for temporary accommodations for placement testing, please click here.