RCBC Barons have stories to tell. Read some of them here. #WeAreRCBC #BehindtheBaron

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Lavett Ballard holding her TIME magazine cover
Lavett Ballard holding her TIME magazine cover

“I do like the fact that a lot of my firsts were at RCBC, and the opportunities, field trips and book recommendations from my professors helped me to develop a passion for art,” Ballard shared.

Nicholas Klahn
Nicholas Klahn

“Most of the memorable experiences at RCBC were through my classes,” Klahn shared.  “I found that it was really easy to form a relationship with my teachers since the classes weren’t that big. They really do try to help you both inside of their class and outside. I also liked how diverse the school was. Unlike a four-year school, quite a few people in my classes were coming back to school and trying to get a higher education for the first time after already being out in the workforce. It brought many broad and differing experiences that you can’t really find anywhere else.”

Jeff Anderson
Jeff Anderson

“Coming from a background where my future was very uncertain, it was something about the atmosphere, the independence and the professors with doctorates telling me to call them by their first name that changed things for me,” Anderson said. “It was something very enlightening and having success in class was a confidence builder. You know, it releases chemicals in your brain; it’s a good feeling. I’ve never lost it. To me, it was coming into myself and realizing I could do something.”

Ashley Cavanaugh
Ashley Cavanaugh

“RCBC was close, accessible and in my budget range for this shift in my life,” Cavanaugh shared. 

Ramon Varona
Ramon Varona

“I chose the right school, the right course of study and had some great guidance along the way. Nicolette DiPietro (RCBC’s Interim Director of Culinary Technology) was a huge factor in my success. The culinary arts, hospitality and tourism management program pairs practical tools with professionalism, and it’s so convenient; you have the flexibility to work while completing your degree. The relationships I formed in the program have withstood the test of time; to this day, I still keep in contact with my classmates,” Ramon said.

Joshua Redlich standing with his Army colleagues
Joshua Redlich standing with his Army colleagues

“My time at RCBC was great! It's hard to pick specific memories that stand out, but one thing I remember is the huge diversity of friends I made while I was there. I had my normal ‘clique’ that I studied with every day, but there were also many times when I was studying alone and a group of students playing video games in the break area would invite me over to play,” Redlich recalled. “The friendly atmosphere and inclusiveness is definitely what I remember most.”

Taylor Hamilton
Taylor Hamilton

“Every experience was memorable: inside the classroom, among my peers and on the field. A lot of things that I learned in my academics helped build the foundation of how I was able to handle my four-year college projects and exams. The difficulty of the school pushed me to excel and exceed far beyond my own expectations,” Hamilton recalled.

Gina DiMaio
Gina DiMaio

“In particular, Professor Meadows and Professor Tokazewski have encouraged me to apply my scientific knowledge of various biological and ecological concepts to real-world situations. General Biology Skills and Global Ecology are hands-on courses where I had the opportunity to carry out and practice student research. We actually ‘did science’ instead of reading about it from a textbook -- which is pretty amazing. These courses were no doubt challenging; however, they have expanded my mind on how I approach and study biology. Looking back now the skills I have gained at RCBC have primed me to be successful as a seasonal naturalist in carrying out interpretive programs.”

Noelle Ault
Noelle Ault

“When you have professors who go that extra mile to help you, it makes a big difference. I did not finish high school, let alone did I even think it was possible that I’d be in college and getting As and Bs,” Ault said. 

Daniela Velez
Daniela Velez

“RCBC staff gave me the time of day and helped me figure things out. I eventually qualified for in-state tuition and was given the support I needed to finish my degree,” Velez recalled. 

If you have a story you would like to share with us, contact us at rcbcnews@rcbc.edu