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Title IX Procedure

RCBC Title IX Procedures and Processes

SECTION: Title IX Overview and Responsible Reporters

Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) seeks to provide a campus environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. This procedures outlines the types of behaviors covered under Title IX Regulations and prohibited through college policies, including:

  • Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
  • Title IX Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Domestic or Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation related to the Title IX procedure, supporting policies or processes

Additional details and definitions for each of these behaviors is outlined in the Definitions section of this procedure

This procedure provides details regarding reporting options, support, contact information for the Title IX coordinator, investigation steps and more. After you review these resources and options, if you wish to file a report, please click here.

RCBC recognizes that these types of incidents have the potential to cause physical and / or emotional harm and can create hostile environments that impact learning and the pursuit of educational or professional goals. Title IX law requires that the Title IX coordinator receive notice of all reports of sexual misconduct. Any formally reported incident will be investigated thoroughly with campus resources, and resolved through appropriate administrative procedures, described in this procedure.

While it is the College’s expectation that any RCBC staff member who learns of an incident that impacts another staff member’s or student’s safety should report it to Public Safety, there are specific staff members who are required to report the incident types detailed above to the Title IX Coordinator.

The College has identified the following positions as Responsible Persons under Title IX:

All supervisors, managers, coaches, faculty members, instructors, and staff with administrative duties or student supervisory duties, with the exception of the Director of Student Support and Student Support Counselor. Responsible Reporter staff are required for taking appropriate action to prevent sexual misconduct, discrimination and harassment, to correct it when it occurs and MUST report it immediately to the Title IX Coordinator:

Catherine R. Briggs, Ed.D.

Dean of Student Success / Title IX Coordinator 856.242.5391


SECTION: Reporting Options for Title IX Incidents

There are two options for reporting Title IX incidents: confidential and private but not confidential.

  • Confidential reporting is only available through the college resources detailed below and can result in counseling only or result in both counseling and official reporting.
  • Private, not confidential reporting is available for individuals seeking to report an incident for investigation by the college or other law enforcement office. Students or staff reporting in this manner will also be offered support counseling as the report and investigation process is initiated.

Confidential Reporting:

Students or Staff members can report incidents confidentially through college resources.

  • For students, on campus Confidential Resources are available through the Student Support Counselor or the Director of Student Support. Resources are available on the 2nd floor of the Student Success Center. Students can make an appointment online through this link

( or call 856.222.9311, ext 1582. For more details about student support counseling, please visit

  • Confidential reporting resources for employees are available through Carebridge Resources. Staff can request contact information for Carebridge services via Human Resources without initiating a report.

Private, non confidential reporting

Students or Staff members can also report incidents through a private, but not confidential, process where a report and investigation can start. The procedures detailed below are designed to allow for a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints. The procedures are compliant with existing, related College policies and procedures, including:

SECTION: Reporting Procedures for Victims of Sexual Assault:

Victims of an emergent sexual assault on campus are advised to go to a safe place and contact the RCBC Public Safety at 856.222.9311 ext. 2100. Victims of an sexual assault off campus should go to a safe place, contact local law enforcement and / or state police. Students or employees can also contact the RCBC Public Safety Department at 856.222.9311, ext. 2100, to report the incident and get assistance from first responders in providing immediate assistance, including helping the individual get any medical attention that may be needed.

Students and employees who have experienced a sexual assault can report an incident electronically through the Non-Confidential Title IX Alert FormResponses to this form are sent directly to the Title IX Coordinator for reporting and investigation.

  • For an individual’s safety and well-bring, immediate medical attention is recommended and encouraged for any any sexual assault. The following resources are available locally and utilize the Burlington County Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE):
NameContact InformationLocation
Virtua Memorial Hospital609.914.6000

175 Madison Ave.

Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Virtua Marlton856.355.6000

90 Brick Road

Marlton, NJ 08053

Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County609.835.2900218 Sunset Road
Deborah Heart and Lung Center609.621.2080

200 Trenton Road

Browns Mills, NJ 08015

  • A student or employee who is sexually assaulted has the right to make a report to the RCBC Public Safety office, local law enforcement and / or state police, or choose not to report. Reports to RCBC Public Safety and law enforcement can be done simultaneously. Cases that occur on the college campus or involve college students or employees will be evaluated through the Student Code of Conduct, current Title IX Regulations and other applicable college policies and processes.
  • Supportive measures for victims is outlined in the section on Supportive Measures

SECTION: Incident Reporting Form Link

Non-Confidential Title IX Alert Form

Students and employees who have experienced a sexual assault or other violation of Title IX may report an incident electronically through this form. Responses to this form are sent directly to the Title IX Coordinator for review and follow up with individuals involved.

Students and employees can also initiate an alert report by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or the Public Safety office. This option would result in a meeting with the Title IX Coordinator to obtain more information regarding the alert, provide information on the Title IX process, and complete the formal complaint form. Initial review may include an in person or virtual conversation. In order for an alert to transition to a formal complaint for investigation, the individual or individuals who experienced the incident(s) must complete a Formal Complaint. Formal Complaint forms are available from the Office of the Title IX Coordinator.

Students and employees can also initiate a report by contacting the Title IX Coordinator or the Public Safety office. This option would result in a request for a written statement in conjunction with an interview / investigation based conversation that would initiate the investigation into the reported concerns, incident, or behavior.

SECTION: Supportive Measures for Complainant and Respondent

In accordance with the current Title IX Regulations, RCBC provides supportive measures to both the student or employee reporting the incident (complainant) and the student or employee allegedly responsible for the incident (respondent).

  • Any student or employee who has reported an incident or is accused of an incident has access to supportive measures through the college and the local community.
    • Employees can contact Human Resources for Carebridge resources and any available external county resources for counseling and support.
    • Students can contact the Office of Student Support for internal and external options for counseling and support. These options include counseling services and connections with external resources for ongoing support.
    • Additional options may also include, but are not limited to escorts to and from buildings to vehicle, changes in course schedule, and scheduling with on campus confidential resources. This support may be recommended by the investigating staff members or the student services staff assisting with the process.

SECTIONEmergency Removals and Interim Measures

Rowan College at Burlington County may determine that an emergency removal or other interim measure is needed following an alert, report, or during the investigation of a formal complaint for either employees or students. In connection with this procedure, whether or not a grievance process is underway, the college may summarily remove an individual from an education program or activity on an emergency basis, after undertaking an individualized safety and risk analysis, and upon the determination that the individual poses an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other individual (including themselves, the respondent, the complainant, or any other individual). In these situations, the College will provide the individual with notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal.

  • Emergency removals and interim measures may include but are not limited to, temporary removal from campus, transition from specific class to alternative section, independent study or other academic alternative or temporary removal from specific class with notice to current faculty of absence and request for assignments via email. This process will follow the existing structure provided for students in the RCBC Code of Conduct and defined by Human Resources for employees.
    • Students seeking to appeal an interim measure as a result of a Title IX complaint must submit a request in writing to the Dean of Enrollment Management. An appeal process for interim measures is available and must be conducted within two (2) business days of the notification.
    • Employees seeking to appeal an interim measure as a result of a Title IX complaint must submit a request in writing to the Executive Director of Finance and Human Resources. An appeal process for interim measures is available and must be conducted within two (2) business days of the notification.

SECTION: Confidential Reporting Resources

  • While RCBC staff will provide privacy in reporting, most RCBC staff cannot provide confidentiality. For more specific definitions of privacy and confidentiality, please see the definition section of this procedure.
  • On campus confidential reporting for students is only available through the staff within the Office of Student Support, specifically the Director of Student Support or the Student Support Counselor. Students can make an appointment online through this link ( or call 856.222.9311, ext 1582. For more details about student support counseling, please visit
  • Confidential reporting for employees is available by accessing Carebridge Resources, provided to all employees via Human Resources.
  • Off campus confidential reporting options are also available and include:


Contact Information

Website Resources

CONTACT of Burlington County Sexual Assault Services

856.234.0634 vices/

Providence House Domestic Violence Services



  • If you are reporting an incident to a non-confidential staff member, the RCBC staff will take every precaution to protect privacy in the reporting as detailed in the definition section of this procedure.

SECTION: Reporting Procedures for Employees or Students with Incident Information

  • Any employee defined as a responsible reporter or any student who has received information from an employee or student about a sexual assault or other related activity as defined in these procedures must submit a Title IX Alert through the Non-Confidential Title IX Alert Form 

SECTION: Alerts and Reports

Once an individual has brought forward an alert or concern and it is shared with the Title IX Coordinator, an initial meeting will be organized to review the concern and review the process for filing a formal complaint. An initial concern can be submitted by a responsible reporter, an entry into the Title IX Alert Form, or through a report directly to Public Safety or the Title IX Coordinator.

The initial meeting can be with the Title IX Coordinator or a member of the confidential reporting team. The meeting purpose centers on supportive measures and options for reporting and addressing the reported concern. The investigation, review, and hearing process is reviewed in this meeting, as well as the review and completion of the Victim’s Rights form with complainant (Copy of form in appendix). The complainant is also offered the opportunity to report the incident to law enforcement.

In the time between the informal notice by the impacted individual or responsible reporter and the filing of the formal complaint, the Public Safety staff will begin reviewing the initial concerns, including but not limited to, identifying the individual(s) involved in the incident and determining their current RCBC status.

  • If the accused individual(s) include a currently enrolled student or a current employee, the officer will notify the Title IX Coordinator that an investigation is possible if the Title IX related incident(s) occurred on the college campus.
  • If the accused individual is not identified as a currently enrolled student or current employee, the officer will notify the Title IX Coordinator and assist with communication regarding options to pursue the incident through off campus resources and assist with any available on campus services needed by the individual.

Cases can fall into one of the following categories:

CategoryNext Step

Case is formally reported to the Title IX Coordinator and includes the identity of the complainant and / or accused individuals.

Following the initial review meeting regarding the process with the complainant (described above) and the decision to formally report the alleged Title IX allegation, communication will be initiated in the following ways:

  • Communications regarding the formally reported incident, supportive measures, presumption of not responsible and links to college resources regarding the process are sent to both complainant and respondent

  • Review meeting regarding overview of process is offered to respondent and complainant (if not completed in initial meeting).

  • Investigative interviews are scheduled with the Title IX Investigative Office with all involved parties and witnesses with direct knowledge of the evnts related to reported concern 

Case reported to responsible reporter that does not include identities of the complainant and accused individualsIncident is logged as a complaint with no additional details. Additional review meetings will as any further details emerge or complainant files a formal report. No communication is sent to any party without a formal report filed
Case is reported to a confidential staff member or through an external confidential reporting option

No official reporting is conducted. If a meeting is conducted with the Student Support Counselor, the student will be provided with a copy of the Victim’s Rights form for informational purposes. A signed copy is not required in this instance. The Counselor will document the type of case in a Confidentially Reported Log that only indicates the type of incident reported with no additional details.

  • Students or staff have the option to make legally confidential reports to a licenced counselor, health care professional, clergy or attorneys if they engage one of these professionals in a private capacity. On campus, the only staff considered confidential for student reporting is within the office of Student Support, specifically the Director of Student Support or the Student Support Counselor. Students can make an appointment online through this link ( or call 856.222.9311, ext 1582. For more details about student support counseling, please visit
    • Additional confidential reporting options are available within the community and provided above.
  • Following the initial communication from the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Investigating Officer will initiate meetings with the complainant, respondent and any other parties named in the complaint with direct knowledge of the reported concern.

SECTION: Informal Resolution Process

In cooperation with the Title IX Coordinator and with the consent of the parties, the college permits an informal resolution process in cases where a formal complaint has been filed. The information resolution process is available in cases involving students as both complainant and respondent and in cases where employees are both complainant and respondent. Informal resolution is not available in cases involving employees and students.

The informal resolution process is voluntary. It exists as a process designed to provide parties with an option to address and resolve disputes that is separate from the formal hearing process outlined in the RCBC Title IX procedures. Under this process, there will be no disciplinary action taken against a respondent, and the resolution will not appear on the respondent’s disciplinary record.

The informal resolution process must be facilitated before the hearing is conducted. Before the informal resolution process is used, both parties must provide voluntary, written consent to the informal resolution process and must receive written notice disclosing: the allegations, the requirements of the informal resolution process (including the circumstances under which it precludes the parties from resuming a formal complaint arising from the same allegations), and any outcomes resulting from participating in the informal resolution process (including the records that will be maintained or could be shared). At any time prior to agreeing to a resolution, any party has the right to withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the Title IX investigation and hearing process with respect to the formal complaint.

RCBC will not require, encourage, or discourage the parties from participating in the informal resolution process. Additionally, the college will not offer the informal resolution process unless a formal complaint is filed.

For more information about Informal Resolutions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Cathy Briggs, Ed.D. at

SECTION: Investigations and Evidence Review Meetings


  • Investigations will be initiated whenever a Title IX complaint is formally filed. As described earlier in this procedure, the complainant must formally file the incident with either Public Safety or the Title IX Coordinator and confirm in writing that the individual wants to move forward with the Title IX investigation and hearing process.
  • Once a formalized complaint is received, the Title IX Coordinator will send out communication to both the complainant and respondent in conjunction with the current Title IX regulations. The written information includes:
    • The identities of the known parties
    • A concise summary of the alleged conduct at issue (including when and where it occurred, if known).
    • Notice of the allegations potentially constituting Title IX Sexual Harassment.
    • A statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible and that a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process.
    • A statement informing the parties that they may have an advisor of their choice, who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney.
    • A statement informing the parties that they may request to inspect and review evidence.
    • A statement informing the parties that knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting false information during the grievance process may constitute a violation of college policy and procedures.
    • Information regarding the applicable grievance procedures, including the informal resolution process.
  • The Title IX Coordinator will also notify the Investigative Officer to initiate contact with participants for interviews.
    • The process includes an initial interview with the complainant regarding the incident. During this interview, the complainant will be asked to compose a written statement that includes all relevant details. The interview is initiated by a trauma informed investigative officer within Public Safety.
    • Additional interviews, conducted by the Title IX Investigator, with the respondent and other relevant witnesses with direct knowledge regarding the reported incident(s) will occur in a prompt manner. The additional interviews will include, but are not limited to, individuals identified by either the complainant or respondent.
      • The interviewing officer will attempt multiple points of contact with the information provided or in the College system (email, home phone, cell phone, etc).
      • For students involved in an investigation, a minimum of three attempts will be made to schedule an interview. If no response is received from either the accused or the witness, the report will still be filed by Public Safety and included in the evidence review.
      • For employees involved in an investigation who are currently working or placed on a paid leave, an interview will be scheduled during normal business hours. Failure to participate in the interview will be documented as part of the report.
      • Investigations will include:
        • Verbal questions in individual meetings with complainant, respondent and witnesses regarding the incident, including, but not limited to, dates, times, knowledge of and /or involvement in the reported concern(s) / incident(s).
        • A written statement completed by the interviewee at the time of the meeting that includes names, contact information and signature / ID verification (ie: submitted by RCBC email).
        • Either party is permitted to have an advisor present but the advisor cannot actively participate in the interview or respond to questions on behalf of the student or employee.
    • At the conclusion of the investigation process, an official report containing information from the investigation is prepared and filed with the Title IX Coordinator for communication to the complainant and respondent for review meeting scheduling.
    • All investigations will be conducted promptly and efficiently. The goal for Title IX cases is scheduling a hearing within ninety (90) business days of the formal complaint. Any extension to this time frame may be based on a failure to connect with the complainant, respondent, or witness that impacts the ability to close the investigation. In the event that an extension to the college standard for prompt resolution if needed, written communication will be sent to both the complainant and respondent.

Evidence Review Meetings

  • After interviews with the complainant, respondent, and all reported witnesses are completed, the report is compiled and shared with the Title IX Coordinator to coordinate a review meeting with both parties.
    • Both parties will receive a written invitation to schedule a time to review the investigative report materials.
      • A 10 business day period will be available for review. The review period starts on the date the invitation is sent.
      • Investigative review meetings are conducted on campus with a staff member.
      • Review meetings will be scheduled separately for both the complainant and respondent.
        • Once an appointment is set, a maximum of one rescheduling request is permitted. Any rescheduling must be within the 10 business day time frame detailed above
      • All materials will be redacted to ensure privacy on personal information.
      • No photos or copies of the report are permitted.
      • The complainant and respondent and their advisors may make personal notes regarding the report for their own reference.
  • Following the review meeting, there is a 5 business day period where either the complainant or the respondent can provide a written statement regarding the investigation outcomes.
    • The written statements may offer additional information, witnesses or other areas for additional consideration. The Investigating officer will review any written submissions to determine feasibility of additional follow up interviews.
      • Either party can submit new evidence, including but not limited to, photos, police reports, witnesses. Any additional investigation related items will be added to the investigation report.
      • Once finalized from the first review, a second review period will be opened for an additional 10 business day time period, with a 5 business day written response time frame.
      • Any written responses from the second review period will be submitted to the Hearing Officer but will not prolong the investigation and / or hearing scheduling process.

SECTION: Hearings, Standards of Evidence, Outcomes and Appeals

Following the completion of the investigation and review period, the Title IX Coordinator will coordinate with the Title IX Hearing Officer to identify a date with the Hearing Panel. The Title IX Coordinator will communicate the date, time and location options to the complainant and respondent in writing at least 5 business days prior to the hearing. Hearings can be conducted virtually or in person. The determination of hearing type will be made by the Hearing Officer.

Standard of Evidence

The college utilizes a preponderance of the evidence standard in all hearings. This means that a decision of “responsible” for an alleged conduct charge(s) is made by the hearing board’s evaluation of the evidence and a finding that there is more than a 50% chance that the claim is true. Findings of not responsible, using the same evidence standard, would be a hearing board’s determination that there is less than a 50% chance that the claim is true.

Student Hearings

Hearing procedures for Title IX cases and conduct related sanctions for cases where a student is involved as a complainant or respondent are published in the Student Code of Conduct at Appeal processes for the complainant and respondent for cases involving students are also available at

Employee Hearings

Hearing procedures for cases involving employees as the respondent or cases where both the complainant and respondent are employees will follow the same hearing procedure outlined as the Title IX Hearing in the Code of Conduct. For Title IX live hearings, advisors may be individuals outside the college community, including legal representation. If a party does not have an advisor of choice, the college will provide an advisor to either the complainant or respondent to help with a review of the process, understanding investigation reports, compiling questions for the hearing and assisting with cross examination. Advisors from within the college will have training in Title IX and overall conduct hearing processes, but will not be legal representatives.

Expectations of Complainant, Respondent and Witnesses

In all proceedings under this policy, including the hearing, the complainant, respondent, witnesses and other individuals sharing information are expected to provide accurate, truthful information.

If a complainant, respondent, or witness informs the college that they will not attend the hearing or refuse to be cross examined, the hearing may proceed, as determined by the Title IX Coordinator. The Hearing Officer may consider any statement or information provided by the non-participating individuals in reaching a determination regarding responsibility.

Each party may make requests related to the format or the nature of their participation in the hearing. The Presiding Hearing Panelist will accommodate requests by either party for the hearing to occur with the parties located in separate locations with technology enabling the Hearing Panel and the parties to simultaneously see and hear the party answering questions. As appropriate and/or at the discretion of the Presiding Hearing Panelist, hearings may be conducted in person or by video conference or any other means of communications by which all individuals participating are able to see and hear each other. Requests for virtual options must be placed at least three (3) business days in advance of the hearing.

Hearing Structure and Case Presentation

Live Title IX Hearings are described as a formal hearing conducted with two (2) members of the cross trained committee members and a Title IX trained presiding hearing officer. Title IX Conduct hearings are only permitted for violations that fall within the federal regulations.

Hearings for these cases may include advisors for each party and the availability of cross
examination with decisions regarding questions made in a live or virtual setting by the Hearing Officer.

Hearings are not intended to be a repeat of the investigation. However, a typical hearing may include brief opening remarks by the Presiding Hearing Panelist; questions posed by the Hearing Panel to one or both of the parties; questions posed by the Hearing Panel to any relevant witnesses; and cross-examination by either party’s adviser of the other party and relevant witnesses. In accordance with current Title IX regulations, the presiding hearing officer will allow the parties an equal opportunity for their advisers to conduct cross examination of the other party and/or of relevant witnesses. Individuals do not need to participate in cross examination; any written statements submitted prior to the hearing may be considered in the hearing outcomes with or without cross examination.

With consent from the hearing participant, the parties’ advisers will have the opportunity to cross examine the other party (and witnesses, if any). Such cross examination must be conducted directly, orally, and in real time by the party’s adviser and never by a party personally. Only relevant cross examination questions may be asked of a party or witness. Before a party or witness answers a cross-examination question that has been posed by a party’s adviser, the Presiding Hearing Panelist must first determine whether the question is relevant and explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant.

Other college administrators may attend the hearing at the request of or with the prior approval of the Presiding Hearing Panelist, but the parties will be notified in advance of anyone else who will be in attendance.

Record of the Hearing

All hearings are recorded using college issued equipment for purposes of review by any appeal officer. Any other recordings of the hearing is prohibited and violations may result in additional charges or disciplinary action.

Hearing Outcomes and Written Determination

At the conclusion of all hearings, the hearing panel will meet to consider all relevant evidence and deliberate to determine responsibility. The Presiding Hearing Panelist shall make a determination, based on a preponderance of the evidence, whether the respondent is found responsible for the Title IX related charges.

The hearing outcomes shall be delivered simultaneously in writing to both the complainant and respondent and will include:

  • the allegations potentially constituting Title IX violations;
  • a description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the formal complaint through the determination (including any notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses, site visits (if any), methods used to gather other information, and the hearing);
  • a statement of, and rationale for, the result as to each allegation, including a determination regarding responsibility (i.e., whether a policy violation occurred),
  • any disciplinary sanctions and the process utilized to determine disciplinary sanctions (as described below)
  • relevant appeal information for the parties

Disciplinary sanctions and remedies will be determined in accordance with the procedures listed below, and the information will be provided to the Presiding Hearing Panelist for inclusion in the written determination. Sanctions will take into account the seriousness of the misconduct as compared to like cases in the past, the respondent’s previous disciplinary history (if any), and institutional principles.

  • In student cases with a finding of responsibility, sanctioning decisions will be determined by a review of the findings in consultation with appropriate college administration and a review of previous sanctions for similar cases. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, written warnings, removal of campus privileges or limited access, community service, developmental assignment or presentation, suspension and / or expulsion.
  • In faculty or employee cases with a finding of responsibility, sanctioning decisions will be determined by a review of the findings with human resources and other appropriate college administration and a review of any previous case outcomes. Sanctions may include but are not limited to, written warning, suspension without pay, unpaid leave, and termination. Additional training will be required for any employee who maintains employment at the college after a “responsible” outcome from a live hearing.
  • The Hearing Board must send the responsibility decision (hearing outcome) in writing within three (3) business days of the hearing. The decision must be sent to both the complainant and respondent (and related advisors).

Appeals for Hearing Outcomes

  • Both the complainant and respondent have the opportunity to appeal the decision of the Title IX Hearing Board and / or the applied sanctions.
    • Students: The Appeal process for Title IX hearing outcomes is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Process ( Either party (complainant or respondent) can file an appeal with the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success within five (5) business days of the hearing panel’s written decision.
    • Employees: Either Employee (complainant or respondent) can appeal outcomes of the Hearing Board process via a written appeal to the Office of Human Resources within five (5) business days of the hearing panel’s written decision.
    • In the event that an appeal is filed within the stated time frame in either case type, the Title IX Coordinator will send notice to the complainant and respondent.
    • Reviews of appeals will be conducted within ten (10) days of receipt and notice will be provided to both the complaint and respondent.

SECTIONTitle IX Prohibited Behaviors and Procedural Definitions

The following definitions are offered to assist students and employees with the navigation of the Title IX process. For prohibited behaviors, the College utilizes multiple behavioral definitions, rather than legal or criminal definitions, to explain expectations of student and employee behavior. Expectations of student conduct, on and off campus, are defined in the Student Code of Conduct, available online at

Expectations of employee conduct are further defined in the Employee Handbook available through the intranet or in the RCBC Human Resources Department. College policies also speak to behavioral expectations on campus. Specific definitions include:

  • Consent: an agreement, between participants, to engage in an activity. The College offers this definition in connection to sexual consent, but it is not limited to this framework. Communication regarding sexual consent is required for every activity, every time and can be withdrawn at any point during the activity. Within this process, consent will be assessed objectively from the standpoint of a reasonable person. Any non-consensual sexual activity is prohibited by the College.
  • Bystander / Witness: a person who is not directly involved in an activity but observes the activities. This definition also includes individuals who witnessed circumstances leading up to the reported activity. Examples of potential observed activities include but are not limited to: sexual assault or abuse, criminal actions, conflict, and potentially violent or violent behavior.
  • Complainant/ Claimant: terms used to identify the individual(s) directly impacted by the incident. A bystander or other third party witness who reports information about a violation is not a complainant. This term is limited to the reporting individual(s) who is/are directly impacted by the violence as victim(s).
  • Confidentiality: this term is used when a student or staff member is using one of the confidential reporting options for students or staff. For students, the only on campus confidential reporting option is through the Student Support Counselor. For staff, the only college offered confidential resource is through Carebridge. Any reports made to individuals outside of these two options will be addressed with a concern for privacy for all involved. Current Title IX regulations do not permit anonymous or confidential reported cases to be investigated as a Title IX violation. Confidentiality and confidential reporting are considered different from Privacy (see definition below).
  • Privacy: may be offered by an individual when such individual is unable to offer confidentiality under the law but shall still not disclose information learned from a reporting individual or bystander to a crime or incident more than necessary to comply with applicable laws, including informing appropriate College Officials. The College has identified the following positions as Responsible Persons under Title IX:
    • All supervisors, managers, coaches, faculty members, instructors, and staff with administrative duties or student supervisory duties, with the exception of the Director of Student Support and Student Support Counselor.
    • Responsible Reporter staff are required for taking appropriate action to prevent sexual misconduct, discrimination and harassment, to correct it when it occurs and MUST report it immediately to the Title IX Coordinator detailed below: 

      Catherine R. Briggs, Ed. D.

      Dean of Student Success / Title IX Coordinator


    • Most RCBC employees are not confidential resources. However, employees can offer “privacy” in the required reporting and sharing of information related to federal or state law and / or College policy. They will limit re-disclosure whenever possible and will not share private information beyond what is required or needed to comply with law and policy.
  • Prohibited Behavior:
    • Dating Violence: violence, whether physical, sexual, or the threat thereof, committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.
    • Domestic Violence / Relationship Violence: an act of violence committed by a current or former spouse, intimate partner, cohabiting partner, or with whom the victim shares a child and/or as defined by the NJ Prevention of Domestic Violence Act.
    • Sexual Harassment: According to current Title IX Regulations, sexual harassment is defined as conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

      (i) An employee conditioning educational benefits on participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (i.e., quid pro quo);

      (ii) Unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would determine is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the educational institution’s education program or activity; or

      (iii) Sexual assault (as defined in the Clery Act), or dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

      • This includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, inappropriate sexual or gender-based activities, comments or gestures, touching, gratifying, or exposing of one’s private parts in public, or other forms of verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, including lewdness as defined by N.J.S.A 2C:14-4.
    • Fondling: touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or without that person’s consent.
    • Gender- Based Harassment: harassment based on gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The harassment may include acts of aggression, intimidation, or hostility, whether verbal, nonverbal, graphic, physical or otherwise, even if the acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
    • Harassment: any act, whether written or verbal, via online or in person, that abuses, intimidates, or threatens the safety of a member of the campus community or as additionally defined by N.J.S.A. 2C: 33-4 (harassment) and N.J.S.A. 2C: 33-41(Cyber-Harassment)
    • Physical Attack: causing, or intending to cause, physical harm to any person on College property or at College sponsored activities, or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.
    • Sexual Assault/Rape and Non-Consensual Sexual Contact: an offense that meets the definition of rape, sexual assault with an object, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI’s UCR program and/or sexual assault as defined by New Jersey law.
    • Sexual Intimidation: includes any unreasonable behavior, verbal or nonverbal, which has the effect of subjecting an individual to humiliation or embarrassment because of their gender.
    • Sexual Exploitation: Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from sexual exploitation of another.
    • Stalking: any act, whether via phone, internet, or physical proximity, that, through unwanted and/or unsolicited viewing or communicating, repeatedly threatens an individual’s physical or emotional safety.
    • Retaliation: includes adverse actions taken against an individual for engaging in protected activity which includes opposing actions believed to constitute discrimination or violate College policy, filing a complaint about such practices or participating in investigations or proceedings related to a complaint of this nature.
  • Title IX Coordinator: The RCBC Title IX coordinator is Dr. Cathy Briggs. She can be reached at or contacted at 856.242.5391. The Title IX Coordinator
    • serves as the primary contact for formal reports related to Title IX violations,
    • assists with facilitating training and information sharing with students and employees in concert with Human Resources and other designated offices,
    • takes responsibility for coordinating and overseeing the fair and equitable implementation of the Title IX related procedures, communication and processes
    • seeks out professional development on sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, investigations of sexual violence, impact of trauma, rights of the respondent, bias free processes, College policies, processes and procedures related to these matters.
    • Assists with the plans for training for any of the identified Title IX team members on these topics and other issues.

SECTION:  Campus Assessment, Training and Annual Review

  • RCBC will provide annual required training for all employees. Training will include details on prohibited behaviors, bystander awareness and intervention and reporting. Additional trainings will be offered as needed or by request.
  • RCBC will provide in person communication regarding the Title IX process, procedure, and expectations for student behavior. Title IX information is also published in the college catalog, on the college’s website and included in printed materials on campus.
  • RCBC provides training for all employees involved in Title IX related roles, including
    • Coordinator
    • Investigator
    • Decision Makers (Hearing board members)
    • Appeal Officers
    • Advisors
    • Informal Resolution
    • Links to training experiences and materials is available at
  • An annual review committee, including the Title IX coordinator and representatives from Human Resources, Student Support, Student Conduct, Faculty and Students, meet at the end of each academic year to review the aggregate data from all reported cases to identify any areas of concern for intervention in the upcoming academic year. The aggregate data will not include any references to specific individuals (staff or students). Feedback from the review committee will be included in an Annual Report provided to the Cabinet, Senior Leadership Team and made available to the campus community.

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To request a pdf of the current Title IX procedures, please contact

RCBC Title IX Procedures. Updated January 2025