Title IX Contact
Catherine R. Briggs
Dean of Student Success / Title IX Coordinator
(856) 242-5391
(856) 222-9311, ext. 1235
It takes courage to start the conversation.
If you, or someone you know, is a victim of dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or other types of gender discrimination, you should initiate a report to the RCBC counselor, the Title IX Coordinator, Public Safety, or the local police. You can also initiate an alert. Once a alert is submitted, we will contact you to discuss safety and support options and review the next steps in the Title IX process.
Confidential Report
For students: RCBC Student Support Counselor
For employees: Carebridge Resources
Anonymous Report
Tip Line: (856) 222-9311, ext. 1111
When an alert is submitted, the system notifies the Title IX Coordinator. The alert is reviewed and the Title IX Coordinator attempts to contact the staff member or student to follow up on safety and support options. During the conversation, the Title IX Coordinator will discuss the formal reporting requirements and review the process.
RCBC is responsible and required to investigate all formally reported Title IX complaints. Formal complaints must be submitted in writing with consent to move forward with the Title IX procedures. This step follows the initial discussion of the submitted alert form or the initial contact with Public Safety.
If there are alleged Title IX violations found in the investigation, a review and hearing process will begin. Informal resolution is possible in some cases if both parties agree.
The Federal Regulations require notice to both the complainant (the reporting person) and the respondent (the person accused of the alleged behavior) by the Title IX Coordinator after a formal complaint / report is submitted in writing.
Advisors are permitted to support either party but may not play an active role in the interview or review process until the Hearing portion of the process. Students and Employees can ask anyone to assist as their advisor, including family members, friends, an employee or other options. If an individual does not have an advisor, the college will provide one.
Interviews will be conducted by the Title IX Investigating Officer. After all interviews are complete, a report is filed and a review period is opened to review the investigation report and materials. After the review period, a live hearing is conducted and a decision is made regarding responsibility and disciplinary outcomes or sanctions.
The college uses a “preponderance of the evidence” standard (at least 50% of the evidence in a case indicating that the event may have occurred) in all Title IX Hearings regarding determination of responsibility. Communication is sent to both parties (and their advisor) regarding determinations, sanctions, and appeal options. Additional communication is distributed following any appeal requests and / or outcomes.
If you are involved as a respondent (accused individual) in a Title IX complaint, you will receive initial communication from the Title IX Coordinator through your official college email address with information about the complaint, the alleged violation, and the Title IX procedure. The notification includes the college's standard that a respondent is presumed not responsible and a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the hearing and appeal process.
You will be asked to participate in an interview and provide any information you have regarding the matter. You can select a person to be with you during these meetings and throughout the process to assist you as your advisor. If you don't have someone who can support you, the college will provide one. All evidence will be evaluated in the hearing process using a preponderance of the evidence standard. This means that the Hearing Panel must determine that there be at least 50% of the evidence in a case indicating that the event occurred in order to determine an individual is "responsible" for the act. Every effort is made to ensure that due process is followed throughout the Title IX process and investigations are conducted fairly.
RCBC recognizes that it takes courage to report an incident. Our college policies prohibit retaliation for reports of misconduct by a student or employee. You can view the Anti-Retaliation policy. The Public Safety department is available to assist you while on campus and provide information and support in accessing external resources.
For more information on any Title IX related questions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.
Stated simply, RCBC is responsible, under Title IX, for protecting all students and employees from all forms of gender discrimination, including, but not limited to,dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. Specifically, it is a federal law that states:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
--Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)