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(856) 222-9311, ext. 2100, 3100, 4100

Mount Holly Campus

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The Rowan College at Burlington County's Public Safety Department is committed to enhancing the quality of life on campus by keeping our community safe.

We are also responsible for parking safety violations/fines, student ID cards, vehicle registration and distribution of the Annual Security Report and the Campus Emergencies & Safety Procedures Guide.

In accomplishing our mission, we are guided by the following values that serve as a foundation for every action we take: Service, Integrity, Respect, Professionalism, Accountability, Mentoring and Appreciation.

Campus Safety and Security Reporting requires Rowan College at Burlington County to:

  • Publish an annual report every year by October 1 that contains three years of campus crime statistics and certain campus security policy statements;
  • Disclose crime statistics for the campus, public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and certain non-campus facilities and remote classrooms. The statistics must be gathered from campus police or security, local law enforcement, and other college officials who have "significant responsibility for student and campus activities;"
  • Provide "timely warning" notices of those crimes that have occurred and pose an ongoing "threat to students and employees;" 
  • Disclose in a public crime log "any crime that occurred on campus, or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus Public Safety Department and that which is reported to the campus Public Safety Department."

(There are additional requirements not listed above.)

To download the report, click here (PDF)

The Campus Emergencies Guide is produced by the Public Safety Department to help assist the RCBC community during various types of emergencies. This guide will cover campus emergencies, safety procedures, shelter-in-place, how to report incidents, and evacuation guides. These procedures should be followed in sequence unless conditions dictate otherwise.

Click here for information on RCBC Emergency Messages.

Your RCBC ID opens activities and academic resources to you on our Mount Laurel and Mount Holly campuses. Your RCBC ID will help you: 

  • Access Laurel Hall, the Science Building, TEC, the Health Sciences building, and Mount Holly’s building.
  • Check out books at the library and use its resources like the computer lab. and study rooms.
  • Rent textbooks at the bookstore.
  • Work out at the RecWell.

Don’t wait to get your student ID. You can start the process from home.

Use the RemotePhoto app to take a photo from your own device.

  • Log in to your BaronOne account.
  • Open the Other Applications tile.
  • Open the RemotePhoto app.
  • Follow the instructions in the app to submit your photo.
  • Once your photo is approved, pick up your ID from Public Safety in the Student Success Center within 48 hours. 

Students may replace a lost card for a $20 fee by visiting Public Safety on the Mount Laurel Campus during business hours.

Faculty, staff, and students must register their vehicles with RCBC’s Public Safety Department. Vehicles can be registered by visiting the Public Safety Department in Mount Laurel during business hours Monday through Friday and by phone appointment on Saturday. You must show your state registration and a valid driver’s license to receive your RCBC vehicle decal. All vehicles driven by students will not be permitted to park in staff areas. Failure to comply will result in a citation.

Should a student, faculty, or staff member need to temporarily park a vehicle on campus other than the vehicle registered with the RCBC Public Safety Department, the individual must immediately report to the Public Safety Department. A temporary parking pass will be issued for the necessary duration. Failure to comply will result in a citation.

Users of the college parking lots will be issued two parking decals at no expense. There will be a $10 charge for additional decals. Students must notify Public Safety when a vehicle should be deleted from the Public Safety records.

To obtain an ID card and parking permit, each student must be registered for classes, have paid all charges by the established deadlines, and have a valid photo ID, driver’s license, or passport.

Parking is restricted to designated lots. Students must park only in designated spaces. The Student Handbook contains complete parking rules and regulations.

Users of the college campus who fail to comply with parking and traffic regulations on college grounds are subject to the following fines:

  1. Failure to display RCBC parking permit - $10
  2. Parking Violations:
    first offense: $10
    second offense: $20
    third offense: $30
    fourth or more: $40 and/or towing and/or loss of parking privileges
  3. Moving Violations:
    first offense: $25
    second offense: $40
    third offense: $75
  4. Parking in handicapped areas without a NJ state handicap decal - $250 and/or towing and/or loss of parking privileges
  5. A service charge for $10 will be added for violations

Failure to pay fines or file an appeal may result in freezing of student accounts. Students whose accounts are frozen may not register at any time in the future until the financial obligation is fulfilled. Fines may be paid to the Business Office. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Rowan College at Burlington County.

Appeal Process
To appeal a ticket, please complete this form. Appeals are only accepted online and are reviewed by the Appeals Committee.
The college reserves the right to revoke the motor vehicle privilege of anyone who continuously violates the motor vehicle regulations through action of the appropriate authority. The Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success may refer cases involving students to the Student Conduct Committee for action.

RCBC is devoted to creating a safety net to help prevent suicide and violence. The most effective ways to prevent suicide and violence are to know the warning signs, take them seriously and help the individual access the appropriate resources. The only real risk is in doing nothing. If you or someone you know is suffering and you want to know how to help, call a suicide prevention hotline for assistance:

For immediate assistance or case of emergency, call Public Safety or 9-11.

  • 1 (800) SUICIDE (784-2433)
  • 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)

Off-Campus Resources

  • Women's Referral Central: 1 (800) 322-8092
  • Contact of Burlington County (24/7 Crisis Hotline): (856) 234-8888 &(866) 234-5006
  • Crisis Intervention: (609) 261-8000
  • Virtua Hospital of Burlington County: (609) 267-0700
  • Providence House (Willingboro): (609) 871-7551
  • Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1 (800) 572-7233