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Can neurodiverse students attend RCBC?

Yes, of course! At RCBC, we believe that neurodiverse students bring unique value to our college community and beyond. Society benefits from individual differences and those differences contribute to the greater good. 

If you’re a neurodiverse student transitioning to college, you’re entitled to:

  • Academic adjustments
  • Accessible resources
  • Support services
  • And more!

We're here to ensure your success!

The Office of Student Support is part of the college's commitment to ensure the success of all of our students!

  • Students with disabilities have the opportunity to succeed in their academics as active members of the college community.
  • Students with disabilities learn and practice self-advocacy skills.
  • Students with disabilities understand their rights and responsibilities as community members of a college.
  • Faculty and staff are sensitive to the needs of students with disabilities.

The Office of Student Support and Disability Services can offer you the reasonable academic accommodations listed below in partnership with your professors, RCBC's Career Adaptive Learning Literacy (CALL) Lab and RCBC's Tutoring Center, depending on your specific disability/disabilities.

Use of the Assistive Technology Lab located in the Student Success Center in Room 220. Hours are Monday through Friday: 8:45 am - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm. The lab features assistive technology such as:

• JAWS screen reader software
• Dictation software
• Topaz Print Magnifier
• Intellikeys enlarged keyboard
• Duxbury Braille Translation software
• Juliet Pro Braille Embosser
• Zoom Text magnification software
• Electronic books

If you are a new student with a disability and want to receive academic accommodations for your classes and/or placement test, there are a few steps you must take one full semester in advance:

  1. Apply to RCBC. For an application, click here.
  2. Wait to receive your RCBC letter of acceptance with your student ID number.
  3. Provide the Office of Student Support with appropriate documentation of your disability/ disabilities.
  4. Depending on your disability/disabilities, one or more of the following items will need to be provided:
    • IEP from high school with diagnosis and accommodations offered


    • Psychoeducational evaluation with diagnosis and recommended accommodations
    • Learning Evaluation with diagnosis and recommended accommodations
    • Psychological evaluation with diagnosis and recommended accommodations
    • Medical evaluation with diagnosis and recommended accommodations
    • Psychiatric evaluation with diagnosis and recommended accommodations
  5. Contact the Office of Student Support at (856) 222-9311, ext.1208 to arrange for an intake interview.
    • During the intake interview, your documentation will be analyzed, you will be provided with a Student Agreement Form, and an explanation of your rights and responsibilities as an adult learner at a higher education institution.
    • You will also complete a Disability Release Form, which will give us permission to process your Accommodation Plan. 

Are you interested in a college experience for yourself or a family member with developmental disabilities? RCBC supports high school graduates ages 21-24 years old who have developmental disabilities. Click here for more information

See Student Support Counseling to learn about mental health support options including virtual and on-campus counseling.

Our goal is to keep the ​Rowan College at Burlington County website accessible in the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you notice something is not correct, please contact the webmaster.