Prepare for your future without crippling college debt. Earn an associate and bachelor's degree while saving around $75,000.
Debt Undone with 3+1. With RCBC’s premier partnership with Rowan University, you can earn an associate and bachelor’s degree without crippling college debt.
Program Types

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If you've been accepted into the program as a junior, be sure to review the checklist and complete your contract.
Applied Professional Communication (AA ➛ BA)
Develop your technical and digital skills, as well as communication skills for many careers related to media, marketing, public relations, human resources, project management and more.
*This program requires in-person courses.
Biological Sciences (AS ➛ BS/BA)
Increase your understanding of the natural world and how that understanding directly benefits humanity. Gain a firm foundation for science-related careers and prerequisites to medical and other professional health programs.
*This program requires in-person and daytime courses.
Business Administration (AS ➛ BS)
Develop your business skills with a unique focus on global business and leadership.
* This program can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person in Mount Laurel with some online courses).
Computing and Informatics (AS/AAS ➛ BA)
Build a solid foundation in computing, application development, project management, database implementations and infrastructure platforms for a career in information technology.
*This program requires in-person courses.
Construction Management (AS➛BA)
Develop your technical skills in planning, executing, monitoring and controlling a construction process.
* RCBC courses can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person and online courses). Senior year courses are offered online.
Data Analytics (AS ➛ BS)
Develop a strong background and skills in data collection, exploration, analysis, visualization, presentation, and dissemination.
*This program requires in-person courses.
Health Studies (AAS ➛ BA)
Learn skills in professionalism, adaptability, problem-solving, leadership, and more. Be competitive for advancement within your professional healthcare field.
* This program requires in-person courses for the AAS degree. Senior year courses are only offered online.
Healthcare Management (AS ➛ BS)
Develop your management skills to prepare for a leadership role within your chosen path in the healthcare industry.
* This program can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person in Mount Laurel with some online courses).
Inclusive Education (AS ➛ BA)
This major leads to certification in Elementary Education (K-6) and to the Teacher of Students with Disabilities endorsement.
* This program requires in-person and daytime courses. Full-time enrollment is required for junior and senior year.
Law and Justice (AS ➛ BA)
Study crime and the criminal justice system to prepare for professional careers in law enforcement, court services, corrections and human services.
* This program can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person in Mount Laurel with some online courses).
Liberal Studies (AS ➛ BA)
Receive a well-rounded, liberal education allowing you to focus on Philosophy and Law and Justice Studies.
* This program can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person in Mount Laurel with some online courses).
Nursing (AAS ➛ BSN)
Become a registered nurse and then earn a bachelor’s degree for advancement opportunities in the ever-expanding field of nursing.
* This program requires in-person courses for the AAS. Nursing degree. Senior year courses with Rowan University are only offered online.
Psychology (AA ➛ BA)
Learn more about human behaviors, personalities, thoughts and emotions.
* This program can be completed fully online (pending math placement) or in a hybrid format (in-person in Mount Laurel with some online courses).