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RCBC Board of Trustees welcomes new chair and two new members

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Left to right: Anthony C. Wright, Lorraine Hatcher, Alexis McKenna

The Rowan College at Burlington County Board of Trustees selected a new chair while welcoming a new trustee and alumni trustee at its August meeting.

Dr. Anthony C. Wright was selected chair by the board that added a new Trustee Lorraine Hatcher and Alumni Trustee Alexis McKenna.

Dr. Wright, a demonstrated and committed public servant, boasts over two decades of experience as a P-20 scholar practitioner, academician, supervisor, administrator, policymaker and policy advisor. He has been an RCBC trustee since January 2021.

“The past two years provided me with a first-hand look at the resilience and tenacity of the students as well as the dedicated faculty and staff who make Rowan College at Burlington County the top community college in New Jersey,” said Dr. Wright, of Columbus, who currently serves as Deputy Assistant Commissioner at the N.J. Department of Education. “I’m honored to serve on this board and forever humbled by the trust that the fellow trustees have placed in me. I welcome and congratulate Lorraine and Alexis to the board.”

Lorraine Hatcher

Hatcher has dedicated her life to serving the community. Joining the RCBC Board of Trustees is the latest opportunity to give back and a natural extension of her dedication to education and community.

“Anytime somebody needs someone to help out, I’m there,” said Hatcher who has held elected positions on the Riverside Board of Education, and as mayor and deputy mayor of the town. She has served on countless volunteer boards and always seems to open doors where there is a need.

She recently moved to an active adult community and has begun organizing community activities to keep a promise she made to a resident who noted they lacked activities. She led efforts to build free little libraries in her town and then replaced the books with free canned goods for anyone who needed food during COVID. She has also officiated more than 600 weddings – something she started as an elected official and continues to this day to do.

“I love doing weddings,” she said. “Whenever anyone has trouble finding someone to officiate their weddings, they seem to find me.”

As her grandchildren reach college age, Hatcher has found it easier and easier to advocate the value of RCBC.

“It’s a great education that allows students to transfer their credits without going into debt,” she said. “It’s in a convenient location in the middle of the county with new buildings and excellent professors. I’m looking forward to learning more and being involved with the college and the students we serve.”

Alexis McKenna

Alexis McKenna has overcome a lot to earn her first RCBC degree. Her experience was so positive that she came back 10 years later to earn a second degree and take advantage of the college’s first-of-its-kind 3+1 program with Rowan University.

“As an older student in my 30s, I have both life experience and two associate degrees earned 10 years apart that shows my dedication to Rowan College at Burlington County,” McKenna said. “I have always advocated for those who haven’t had privilege in their lives. I have experienced many things that help me relate to others including being a first-generation college student with learning disabilities and overcoming homelessness.”

McKenna, of Mount Laurel first graduated from RCBC in 2012 earning a Paralegal degree. She graduated for a second time this year as part of the Law and Justice 3+1 program, which allows students to earn both an RCBC associate degree and Rowan University bachelor’s degree for less cost than what most universities charge for a single year.

“I have dreams of bringing communities, especially urban ones, together through programs like late night community centers, LGBTQ+ youth safe spaces, youth and community financial literacy, community gardens and more,” McKenna said. “I hope to use the alumni trustee position to not only uplift students, but the entire college.”

The alumni trustee from the graduating class to represent the student perspective on the board in a non-voting capacity.

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