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General Education Mobile (GEM) CCAF

GEM is a CCAF/RCBC Partnership to offer an online option for Airmen, Guardians and Space Force to complete their CCAF Degree General Education courses. General Education Mobile (GEM) enables students to sign up for their general education requirements, providing greater educational continuity and faster completion of an airman's or guardian's associate degree.

With the GEM program, students near the beginning of their education will enroll for general education classes as a single, five-course sequence taken online. Credits will transfer and apply toward the CCAF degree. Please note: all five courses do not need to be taken at the same college.

The Air Force, Guardians and Space Force Portal serves as the central online location for the program. From there, Airmen, Guardians and Space Force will be able to browse course offerings, register and order transcripts.

For more information on the GEM program and related topics please contact any of our Military Education and Veteran Services Counselors.

  • Learning communities that integrate two courses taken simultaneously into a combined learning experience with common assignments that satisfy both course requirements.
  • RCBC has over 25,000 military enrollments each year! We must be doing something right!
  • Proud member of the Service Members Opportunity Colleges (SOC).
  • Quality online courses meeting CCAF standards and Degree Completion Requirements.
  • Provides incentives and processes to foster successful completion of classes.
  • Ranked as one of Military Times magazine’s “Best for Vets”, earned a top spot in Military Advanced Education magazine’s “Guide to Military Friendly Colleges and Universities” and rated a “Military Friendly School” by G.I. Jobs magazine.

RCBC cares about education for our students who serve our country in the military. As a result members of the Military, National Guard/Reserve, Veterans, and their dependents who submit valid documentation will receive in-county tuition rates for credit courses offered at the college regardless of their permanent place of residence.

Sections of the following courses are offered online every semester and most are available on-campus. RCBC online courses are offered in 5, 7, 9, 10 12 or 15-week semester terms.

Oral Communication

  • SPE102 - Public Speaking

Written Communication

  • ENG101 - College Composition I
  • ENG102 - College Composition II


  • MTH107 - Introduction to Statistics

Social Science

  • SOC101 - Principles of Sociology
  • PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology
  • POL 101 - American Government & Politics
  • ANT 102 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology
  • ECO 203 - Prin of Microeconomics
  • ECO 204 - Prin of Macroeconomics
  • SOC 205 - Marriage and the Family


  • MUS101 - Introduction to Music
  • ART101 - Introduction to Art
  • CIN 109 - American Cinema
  • PHI 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SPA 101 - Elementary Spanish I
  • THR 101 - Introduction to Theatre

Log into your BaronOne account and access Self-Service to see courses being offered this semester. Check out the College Catalog for a full list of courses.

Step 1: Apply to RCBC

All new students must apply to RCBC. Student who have had a break in enrollment for 3 years or more must re-apply.

  • New students receive notification about their account upon acceptance of their application. 
  • This normally takes approximately 2-3 business days from the date the application is submitted.
  • Applications must be submitted at least 3 business days prior to the registration deadline.

Step 2: Register for your courses

Complete the registration form. A schedule of available classes can be found in the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC).

Step 3: Apply for and submit Tuition Assistance authorization

  1. Provide RCBC with a copy of your TA Authorization before the posted deadlines.
  2. Email your approved TA forms to:
  3. A copy of your TA Application is not an acceptable form of payment.
  4. Once we receive and process your TA, your account balance will adjust accordingly.
  5. Review RCBC tuition and fees.

Textbooks for GEM courses can be purchased at the college bookstore. Students can purchase textbooks, PC software, supplies, greeting cards, snacks, gift items, and apparel.

If you cannot travel to the bookstore or don't want to wait in line, students can purchase their textbooks online. The college bookstore has online shopping services to purchase textbooks and pick them up on either campus or have them shipped via Fed Ex.