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Nutrition 2+2 Major Map

This pathway leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Rowan University!

This is a sample schedule for your RCBC courses. Please meet make an appointment with your academic advisor in AVISO for a personalized plan.  Below is a sample schedule for students in RCBC's Health Science degree (AS.HSC). AS.HSC is the recommended associate’s degree at RCBC.

RCBC Courses: total 61 credits




Semester 1
(13 credits)

  • ENG 101 College Composition I
  • BIO 103 and BIO 104 General Biology I and Lab
  • NUR 220 Nutrition in Nursing and Healthcare
  • MTH 116 Pre-Calculus A

Check self-service for

prerequisite requirements and

associate degree requirements

Semester 2
(14 credits)

  • ENG 102 College Composition II
  • CHE 115/116 General Chemistry I & Lab
  • BIO 107 and BIO 108 General Biology II and Lab
  • MTH 107 Intro to Statistics

All program courses need to be C or higher

Suggest using summer to lighten up semester 3 and 4

Semester 3

  • PHI 101 Intro to Philosophy
  • CHE 117 and CHE 118 General Chemistry II and Lab
  • BIO 110 and BIO 111 Fund of Anatomy & Physiology I
  • *HWP 230 Intro to Nutrition Professions
  • History (see associate’s degree for options)

*HWP 230 required 20 hours of

professional development and

must be completed prior to applying to the BS/MS program

Semester 4
(17 credits)

  • ANT 102 Cultural Anthropology
  • PSY 101 Intro to Psychology
  • BIO 114 and BIO 115 Fund of Anatomy & Physiology II and Lab
  • SOC 101 Principles of Sociology
  • CHE 240/241 Organic Chemistry I and Lab

If you complete all

recommended and required

courses, you will earn an AS.HSC degree after semester 4


Rowan University Courses: 59-60 credits

Courses are taken on the Glassboro Campus. Students need to apply to Rowan University using the traditional transfer application in their last semester at RCBC. Students are automatically admitted to the BS in Nutrition, if they graduate from RCBC and have at least a cumulative 2.0 GPA (including all colleges attended). 

Students need to complete a separate application to apply to the BS/MS Coordinated BS/MS Program in Nutrition & Dietetics. A minimum 3.0 GPA and completion of HWP 230 is required to apply to the BS/MS program. 

Please meet with your Rowan University academic advisor to plan your courses at Rowan University. 

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