This pathway leads to a Bachelor of Science in Music Industry or Bachelor of Music in Music or Music Education from Rowan University!
Below are sample schedules for your RCBC courses. Please make an appointment in AVISO with your academic advisor for a personalized plan.
RCBC Courses
Total credits: 60
The recommended associate degree at RCBC is Entertainment Technologies: Sound & Recording Engeering (AAS.ETS).
Semester | Courses | Notes |
Semester 1 |
| Check self-service for prerequisite requirements and associate degree requirements. |
Semester 2 |
| C or higher in ETS 101, ETS 105, MUS 105, BUA 205, BUA 206, ETS 225, ETC 222, & BUA 220 |
Semester 3 |
| Electives are any RCBC course; email academic advisor for questions about electives. |
Semester 4 |
| If you complete all recommended and required courses, you will earn an AAS.ETS degree after semester 4. JOU 101 is a spring only course. |
Rowan University Courses
Total credits: 60
Courses are taken on the Glassboro Campus. Students need to apply to Rowan University in their last semester at RCBC. Students are automatically admitted if they graduate from RCBC with an AA or AS degree, have a 2.7 cumulative GPA (including all colleges attended), and complete the traditional transfer application process. Students must also submit an essay specific to the music industry major. Please meet with your Rowan University academic advisor to plan your courses at Rowan University.
RCBC Courses
Total Credits: 60
The recommended associate degree at RCBC is Liberal Arts & Science, option in Music (AS.MUS).
Semester | Courses | Notes |
Semester 1 (16 credits) |
| Check self-service for prerequisite requirements and associate degree requirements. Students interested in a Jazz concentration for their Bachelor degree can take MUS 121-124 Jazz Ensemble I-IV for the Ensemble requirements |
Semester 2 (16 credits) |
| MUS 110 and MUS 115 are spring only courses |
Semester 3 (15 credits) |
| MUS 210 and MUS 215 are fall only courses |
Semester 4 (13 credits) |
| If you complete all recommended and required courses, you will earn an AS.MUS degree after semester 4. |
Rowan University Courses
Total credits: # of credits are determined when a concentration is selected and an audition is completed
Courses are taken on the Glassboro Campus. Students need to apply to Rowan University in their last semester at RCBC. Students must complete an audition for admissions which will determine if they are accepted, and if accepted, what level of courses they are placed in. The audition and selection of a concentration will determine the timeline for completing this bachelor’s degree. This degree can take longer than 2 years for transfers. Please meet with your Rowan University academic advisor to plan your courses at Rowan University.
Audition information:
Concentration options:
- Performance
- Composition
- Jazz Studies
- Therapy
RCBC Courses
Total Credits: 60
The recommended associate degree at RCBC is Liberal Arts & Science, option in Education (AS.EDU).
Semester | Courses | Notes |
Semester 1 |
| Check self-service for prerequisite requirements and associate degree requirements. |
Semester 2 |
| MUS 110 and MUS 115 are spring only courses
EDU 130 can replace EDU 135 |
Semester 3 |
| MUS 210 and MUS 215 are fall only courses |
Semester 4 |
| If you complete all recommended and required courses, you will earn an AS.EDU degree after semester 4. |
Rowan University Courses
Total credits: # of credits are determined when a concentration is selected and an audition is completed
Courses are taken on the Glassboro Campus. Students need to apply to Rowan University in their last semester at RCBC. Students must complete an audition for admissions which will determine if they are accepted, and if accepted, what level of courses they are placed in. The audition and selection of a concentration will determine the timeline for completing this bachelor’s degree. This degree can take longer than 2 years for transfers. Please meet with your Rowan University academic advisor to plan your courses at Rowan University.
Audition information:
Concentration options:
- Jazz Studies
- Instrumental
- Vocal
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