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RCBC President Visits Local Elementary School to Energize Young Minds About Reading

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Dr. Cioce and Barry

Moorestown, N.J. - On Monday, February 27, President Dr. Michael A. Cioce visited students at Moorestown's Mary E. Roberts Elementary School and shared a favorite book, "What Are Words, Really?" Assisted by the RCBC's mascot, Barry, he read to a full-school assembly in honor of Read Across America.

Read Across America Week is the nation’s largest celebration of reading, which began in honor of children’s author Dr. Seuss. For children in elementary school who are still learning how to read, it can be difficult to keep them motivated about achieving their reading goals. 

Visiting Roberts Elementary, President Cioce encouraged students to continue reading, not only for Read Across America Week, but all year long. With many animations and lighthearted jokes, he kept the students engaged during story time. Cioce stated, “It’s essential to make an impression on the younger generation for them to understand the importance of education.”

After reading to the school, President Cioce – and the RCBC mascot, Barry the Baron, visited several classrooms to educate students about the significance of academics, especially reading. Students were very curious about Barry, and what Rowan College at Burlington County is and even shared that some of their older siblings will be attending the college in the fall. 

Mary E. Roberts School Principal Brian Carter stated, “As you can see we have highly inquisitive students, which highlights their curiosity as learners.”

We want to thank all the staff and faculty at the Roberts Elementary School for welcoming us and making our visit memorable.

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