Rowan College at Burlington County’s winter session is now open for registration. Students who wish to catch up in credits or get ahead of graduation requirements can do so during winter break when they enroll in this opportunity between now and December 17.
This year is the second in a row RCBC will offer a four-week winter session schedule. The change from two weeks last year led to more enrollment in winter classes than the previous three winters combined and has allowed the college to offer more classes than ever before. Twenty-three important courses, including Math, Art, Business, Physics, and Music, are available to take between December 16, 2024 and January 13, 2025.
“Last year proved that Rowan College at Burlington County Barons don’t hibernate in the winter,” said Rowan College at Burlington County President Dr. Michael A. Cioce. “We improved the schedule, the courses we offered, and enrollment exceeded the previous three winters combined. While I appreciate a good seasonal chill, I’m forecasting another red-hot winter session for RCBC students.”
Classes will be presented fully online, making it easy for current and prospective RCBC students, visiting students, and transfer students alike to study during the break wherever and whenever they like. General deadlines for coursework will be provided, but students can progress at their own pace in the comfortable environment of their home.
Interested students can make the most of their winter break by registering to secure a spot now. More information is available at rcbc.edu/winter.