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Marilyn Bozarth, One of RCBC’s Original 3+1 Grads, Serves the Public as a Legislative Aide

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Behind the Baron
Marilyn Bozarth headshot

Marilyn Bozarth, a Southampton resident, started her college journey much like many others, filled with both excitement and trepidation. Through all four years, she pushed through to achieve her dream of finding a job in which she can help people every day.

In 2021, she was one of the first 3+1 graduates at Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC), the first-generation graduate of her biological family and the first granddaughter graduate of her adopted family.

Her college journey started in 2017 when taking RCBC College Acceleration Program (CAP) courses while attending Seneca High School. She intended to become an educator, but her plans shifted once she started college classes and realized teaching was not for her.

Bozarth realized her true passion in tandem with the 3+1 program at RCBC. She first discovered the 3+1 program in high school and became interested due to its mix of affordability and flexibility. 

“The flexibility of not having to be on campus necessarily and getting your degree from Rowan while staying local is definitely very appealing,” she said.

When Bozarth started the 3+1 program, which now includes thirteen different course options, RCBC offered only five program choices. As a process of elimination and some inner reflection on her core interests, she pursued a psychology degree with a minor in criminal law and justice. Through further experimentation, she later switched to a criminal law major and justice and a minor in psychology.

In the 3+1 program, Bozarth gained experience in the criminal law field through her classes, and she found the required internship valuable. She interned for the New Jersey Eighth Legislative District Office for Sen. Jean Stanfield during her senior year. 

“All the classes were extremely beneficial and helped me figure out where I wanted to start,” she stated.

“If I didn’t have that internship, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” she added.

Although she often felt stress from balancing a busy course load and work life, she never gave up. Bozarth graduated from Rowan University in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in criminal law and justice and a minor in psychology. After graduating, she had two job opportunities, one with the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office and the other with the New Jersey Eighth Legislative District Office, where she’d been interning. She chose to stay at the New Jersey Eighth Legislative District Office and remains working there two years later.

As a legislative aide, Bozarth supports the legislators while helping Eighth District constituents with various problems. Bozarth explained why she loves her current position: “I’ve only ever wanted to be able to help people in any way that I can, and I get to do that every day.”

Recently, Bozarth’s duties brought her back to RCBC when Sen. Latham Tiver visited campus during the recent Give Kids a Smile Day, where the college’s Dental Hygiene program provides free dental care to children. 

“Participating in Give Kids a Smile Day reminded me of the profound impact we can have when we come together to support those in need. Returning to my school for a meaningful cause brought back memories and emotions. It felt familiar, and the spirit of community that always defined our school was very present,” she stated.

When asked what she would tell students about completing their degree, she said, “It’s easy to give up; anyone can give up, and it’s harder to keep fighting. So keep fighting. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, and you’ll be rewarded.”

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