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When prompted, please enter your 14-digit Library barcode and 4-digit PIN to access online resources. If you need assistance, contact us via the green "Chat with Us" button, at library@rcbc.edu or at (856) 222-9311, ext. 2021.
If you do not have a library barcode, please fill out one of the forms on the RCBC Library homepage under "Get Your Library Barcode or Register Your Library Barcode." After we have registered a barcode for you, you will receive an email in your RCBC student email with the barcode and pin.
If you are unable to access the RCBC databases during the hours that we are closed and you are located in New Jersey, you can access the JerseyCat databases provided through the New Jersey State Library.
Academic Search Premier (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: All subject areas and disciplines
- Video Tutorial: Searching in Academic Search Premier
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Streaming videos in many different subject areas and disciplines
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: English, Literature
- Description: Literary database; includes sources about authors, works, and characters
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: Fashion
- Description: Images, articles, and eBooks on the fashion industry, past and present
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Business Source Complete (EBSCOHost) - Updated!
- Subject: Business
- Description: Business periodicals and magazines • Trade publications and top management journals
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
CINAHL Complete (EBSCOHost) - Updated!
- Subjects: Nursing, Health Sciences
- Description: Collection of nursing and allied health journals • Full-text and peer-reviewed
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: English, Literature
- Description: Biographical information on authors, poets, playwrights • Personal life, career, critiques and essays
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: English 101, Public Speaking, General
- Description: In-depth reports on hot topics • Topic overviews, background, pro/con, and research on issues
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: English 101, Public Speaking, General
- Description: General and subject-specific reference materials • Browse with Mind Map, and direct link to other RCBC digital resources
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Ebook Central (ProQuest)
- Subjects: General
- Description: Large collection of college-level ebooks • Full-length ebooks in all subject areas ; includes a comprehensive reference collection
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
eBook Collection (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: General
- Description: Compilation of books in electronic form • Subjects include social sciences, business, science and technology • Login is required
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Encyclopedia of Environment and Society
- Subjects: Environment
- Description: Digital reference source • Focuses on complex socioenvironmental issues resulting from the intersection of people and nature
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Encyclopedia of Libertarianism
- Subjects: Political Science
- Description: Digital reference source • Information on the political philosophy of libertarianism
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
ERIC - Education Resource Information Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Education
- Description: Educational literature, research and information • Curriculum development materials
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: American History
- Description: Bibliography of European works of the Americas from 1493 to 1750
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Films On Demand: Master Academic Package
- Subjects: General
- Description: Streaming videos for different subject areas
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
FMG Archival Films & Newsreels Collection
- Subjects: History, Journalism, General
- Description: Streaming videos of historical films and newsreels
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: General Reference
- Description: Full encyclopedic entries • Maps, biographies and images
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Gale Literary Sources (Formerly Artemis Literary Sources)
- Subjects: English, Literature
- Description: Cross-search extensive literature resources and criticisms • Primary sources and full text works • Author biographies and more
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Environmental Science
- Description: Articles on environmental issues • Government documents and reports.
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Paralegal, Criminal Justice, Political Science
- Description: Legal database with access to government documents, court cases, publications in the legal field
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: History
- Description: American, African-American, World and Ancient/Medieval history • Biographies, timelines and events
- Accessibility Information: African-American History, American History, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern World History- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: English 101, Public Speaking, General
- Description: Summary of major issues in the news • Includes argument comparisons and historical overview
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
JSTOR- Language & Literature Collection
- Subject: English, Literature, Art
- Description: Full-text, scholarly digital library • Academic journals, books and primary sources • Images of art and artifacts from museums around the world
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: General
- Description: Streaming video • Educational, independent, popular, and world films and documentaries
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Legal Information Reference Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: Paralegal, Criminal Justice, Political Science
- Description: Full-text of select books • Legal forms including state-specific and how-to instructions
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: General
- Description: E-book and audio book collection with a range of periodicals. NOTE: If used on a public computer please ensure you remove your card information before signing out
- Accessibility Information - not yet evaluated
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: Information Science
- Description: Articles on library science and information management
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Literary Reference Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: English, Literature
- Description: Information on authors and their works • Biographies, articles, plot summaries, reviews and interviews
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
MasterFile Elite (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: General
- Description: Magazines, reference books and primary source documents • Image collection with photos, maps and flags
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
MiddleSearch Plus (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Education
- Description: Biographies, historical essays and primary source documents • Geared toward middle school students and curriculum
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: Military
- Description: Free, confidential DOD-funded program • Information and resources, including deployment, education, employment and childcare assistance
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: General
- Description: Create an account to access the New York Times
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
NoveList (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: Education
- Description: Fiction and nonfiction book and reading recommendations • Book discussion guides and expert reviews
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
NoveList K-8 (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: Education
- Description: Focus on books for younger readers • Reading and writing concepts and literacy improvement
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
OpenDissertations (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: General
- Description: Open access of historic and contemporary dissertations and theses
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
- Subjects: English 101, Public Speaking, General
- Description: Research on social issues • News and academic journal articles, statistics, multiple viewpoints on topics
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
O'Reilly Collection (ProQuest)
- Subjects: Computer Technology, Business, Math, Science, Engineering, Career Development, Education, Travel, Hobbies, and more!
- Description: Books, streaming videos, learning paths, and more!
- Access Directions: Select "Institution Not Listed" and use your RCBC email to create an account and password
- Subjects: Nursing, Health Sciences
- Description: Nursing journals • Current subscriptions to AJN, MCN, Nursing and Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: General Reference
- Description: Digital reference source • Discover the meaning, history and pronunciation of English words
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Points of View Reference Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subjects: English 101, Public Speaking, General
- Description: Information on current issues • Includes overview, arguments and guides for critical analysis
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Primary Search (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Education
- Description: Biographies, historical essays and primary source documents • Geared toward middle school students and curriculum
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Literature, Sociology, Education, Deaf Studies, and more
- Accessibility Information - not yet evaluated
Primary Search Reference eBook Collection (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Education
- Description: e-book reference books for primary school students
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
ProQuest Central (Updated!)
- Subjects: General; Includes New York Times (see publications in the upper bar)
- Description: Full-text journal articles • Extensive coverage across all subject areas and disciplines
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: Psychology
- Description: Full-text, peer-reviewed articles from the American Psychological Association (APA) and allied organizations • Use advanced search to limit for gender, age and more
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA)
- Subject: Business
- Description: Business and residential reference and research • Job postings and internship listings
- Accessibility Information (PDF) - not yet evaluated
Referencia Latina (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: General Reference (Spanish-language)
- Description: Spanish-language database • Content from encyclopedias, dictionaries and magazines
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Regional Business News (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Business
- Description: News coverage composed of metropolitan and rural area news outlets • Includes transcripts, trade publications and news wires
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subject: Science
- Description: Database for STEM articles and books
- Accessibility Information: Not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Science, Math
- Description: Database for sciences and math; includes videos, diagrams, interactive experiments, biographies and news
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Small Business Reference Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Business
- Description: State-specific resources including start-up kits and business plans • Full-text of periodicals and books
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOHost)
- Subject: Education
- Description: Peer-reviewed articles • Includes assessment, current pedagogical research and resources on curriculum development
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
- Subjects: Composition, English 101, Writing
- Description: Guide to the fundamentals of writing • Includes grammar and style guides
- Accessibility Information- not yet evaluated
Other Resources
- Subjects: General
- Description: Databases provided by New Jersey State Library • Accessible from anywhere within New Jersey
- Accessibility Information - not yet evaluated
- Subjects: General
- Description: Databases provided by New Jersey State Library • Accessible from anywhere within New Jersey
- Accessibility Information - not yet evaluated
- Subjects: General
- Description: Databases provided by New Jersey State Library • Accessible from anywhere within New Jersey
- Accessibility Information - not yet evaluated